Alliance Pipeline

Alliance Pipeline

The Alliance Pipeline system consists of a 3,848-kilometre (2,391-mile) integrated Canadian and U.S. natural gas transmission pipeline system, delivering rich natural gas from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin and the Williston Basin to the Chicago market hub.

The United States portion of the system consists of approximately 967 miles of infrastructure including the 80-mile Tioga Lateral in North Dakota. The system has been in commercial service since December 2000 and, through an innovative suite of customer-focused services, delivers an average of 1.6 billion standard cubic feet (or 45.3 million standard cubic metres) of natural gas per day.


  • 338 kilometres (km) of 1,067 millimetre (mm) diameter and 1,221 km of 914 mm diameter pipe
  • 7 mainline compressor stations
  • Maximum Canadian operating pressure: 12,017 kilopascals (kPa)

United States:

  • 887 miles of NPS 36 (36-inch diameter) pipe
  • 7 mainline compressor stations
  • Maximum U.S. operating pressure: 1,935 pounds per square inch (psi)

Enlarge map

Printed copies of Alliance Pipeline maps are available upon request. Call our Customer Service Hotline at 403-517-6277; Option 1 or email us with your request.

Meeting Customers’ Needs

Alliance Pipeline provides shippers a full menu of options for tailoring their rich gas transportation to best meet their specific needs. Our market-focused approach combines tolling flexibility and predictability with liquids-rich natural gas transportation service offerings that create new economic value for producers and shippers, third party market participants, and Alliance.

Providing a reliable connection to the vital U.S. Midwest market, Alliance offers firm transportation as well as seasonal and daily interruptible service. In addition, the company’s new Alliance Trading Pool (“ATP”) in Canada, its Alliance Chicago Exchange (“ACE”) hub services trading point in the U.S., and its listings on the ICE NGX provide market participants a variety of opportunities to transact on the pipeline. Alliance offers customers what they want, when they want it.

1 (800) 884-8811

24-hour Emergency Line

Contact Us

General Inquiries

For more information on doing business with Alliance Pipeline, email our Commercial Services team or call us at 403-517-6277.


B.C. and Alberta Gathering Office
10944 92 Avenue
Grande Prairie, Alberta T8V 6B5
Telephone: 780-402-3102
Fax: 780-402-3134

Alberta Mainline Office
5012 Caxton Street
Whitecourt, AB T7S 0A6
Telephone: 780-706-4180
Ext. 1 for Windfall
Ext. 2 for Whitecourt

Saskatchewan Mainline Office
1990 Industrial Drive
Post Office Box 3527
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3J8
Telephone: 306-775-3030
Fax: 306-775-3035

USA North Area Office
1520 8th Street S.E.
Valley City, North Dakota 58072
Telephone: 701-845-1929
Fax: 701-845-3002

Minnesota Office
6385 Old Shady Oak Road, Suite 150
Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344
Telephone: 952-944-3183
Fax: 952-944-9166

USA South Area Office
1208 East Summit Street
Maquoketa, Iowa 52060
Telephone: 563-652-0532
Fax: 563-652-0494

Land Inquiries
For Landowner and Occupant Account Updates, contact:

For Third Party Applications (temporary and permanent), Industry Notifications, Subdivision Applications, Development Permit Applications, contact:

For Road Ban Notifications, New Road Use Requests, Road Use Invoices, contact:

Doing Business With Us

The Cost Estimator tool assists shippers in calculating their potential tolls and/or rates as well as any volumetric conversions under Alliance Pipeline’s current services offering.


The Cost Estimator tool is being provided to assist shippers in calculating their potential tolls and/or rates as well as any volumetric conversions under Alliance Pipeline’s current services offering.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the modeling tool in estimating tolls and/or rates in actual potential situations, the modeling tool may not incorporate all eventualities or combinations of services.

Results obtained are also subject to various uncertainties, assumptions and other factors which may cause the actual tolls, volumes and/or rates to differ from those anticipated.

Please refer to the postings and applicable tariff to find comprehensive detail on the offerings. All offerings are subject to applicable fuel charges, surcharges, credit requirements, and the terms and conditions of the applicable Canadian and US Tariffs.



Please ensure that excel macros are enabled. Click here to learn how to enable macros.

To open the Cost Estimator Tool, visit our IPS and enter the Canadian side of the site. The Tool is located under the Open Seasons section.

For questions, concerns or recommendations, contact


  • Receipt Service: Transportation from any Zone 1 or Zone 2 point to Alliance Trading Pool (ATP)
  • Delivery Service: Transportation from ATP to the Canadian Border
  • FT-1 or IT-1: Transportation from US Border to the ACE Hub or one of the delivery points in Chicago. FT refers to Firm Transportation while IT refers to Interruptible Transportation


  • FIRM – 5 Year: Refers to the 5 year term fixed rate transportation. The transportat io n rates are fixed and are available on Alliance Pipeline’s Tariff.
  • Firm – 3 Year: Refers to the 3 year term fixed rate transportation. The transportation rates are fixed and are available on Alliance Pipeline’s Tariff.
  • Firm – 1 Year: Refers to the 1 year term fixed rate transportation. The transportation rates are fixed and are available on Alliance Pipeline’s Tariff.
  • Firm Seasonal: Refers to the longer -term firm seasonal service. The transportation rates are are biddable and Alliance can set the bid floor rates from anywhere between 0% to 125%.
  • Daily Firm Seasonal: Refers to the day to day or weekend strip of firm service. The transportation rates are are biddable and Alliance can set the bid floor rates from anywhere between 0% to 125%.
  • IT: Refers to the day to day or weekend strip of interruptible service. The transportation rates are are biddable and Alliance can set the bid floor rates from anywhere between 0% to 125%.

Credit Requirements and Financial Assurances

  • Alliance Pipeline Limited Partnership operates the Canadian portion of the pipeline.
  • Alliance Pipeline L.P. operates the United States portion of the pipeline.

Shipper Credit Requirements

Alliance Pipeline Limited Partnership – Outlined in Article 26 of CER approved General Terms and Conditions

Alliance Pipeline L.P. – Outlined in Section 22 of FERC approved Tariff

In the United States the FERC has provided criteria by which the temporary capacity release program is governed. Consequently, temporary shippers must meet the same credit criteria that firm shippers are subject to.

Audited Financial Statements Requirement

All shippers must provide audited yearly financial statements and unaudited quarterly financial statement as part of the ongoing credit monitoring process. If a shipper does not produce audited financial statements, the shipper must either provide financial assurances or Alliance Pipeline L.P.’s standard form parental guarantee must be provided by an affiliate that produces audited financials on behalf of the new shipper.

For more information on credit and finance requirements, contact

Alliance Pipeline looks forward to meeting your transportation needs. Please contact our Customer Service Team to discuss your business options. The operating principles behind Alliance-shipper relationships are contained within our Canadian and US tariffs. We use a variety of contractual agreements with shippers following the initial credit determination process. Alliance prepares all the necessary documents for execution.

To become a shipper on Alliance Pipeline, please fill out the following forms. You must fill out each form if you require access to both the Canadian and US sides.

If you have any questions, please contact

With the launch of the CommPass system upgrade on May 12, 2024, Alliance is pleased to offer the following training materials for customers:

Getting started on the upgraded QCloud 1.5 CommPass:

What’s new?

myCommPass Training:

Alliance Pipeline Limited Partnership – TSP 1000 

The following materials will be updated for the new system soon:

Watch the training videos below:

  1. Dashboard
  2. IT & Daily Firm Bidding
  3. Nomination Submission
  4. Reporting

Alliance Pipeline L.P – TSP 2000 

Watch the training videos below:

  1. Dashboard
  2. Nomination Submission
  3. Request for Service
  4. Reporting

The Canadian Alliance Pipeline Shipper Task Force (CAPSTF) is a shipper forum, established by Alliance Pipeline to discuss Alliance Canada regulatory and commercial issues related to new transportation service proposals on a confidential and without prejudice basis. CAPSTF participation requires the execution of a membership agreement.

For more information on the Shipper Task Force, contact:

Brian Troicuk
Manager, Regulatory Finance & Controls

Sheena Schaerer
Senior Rep, Commercial Services


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